Vibration, LLC



The Chakras are an energetic representation of our endocrine and nervous systems. They help us connect our physical and spiritual bodies. The 7 chakras are energy points that run up the spine from the base to the crown of your head. Each chakra is associated with a specific color, and physical impact on the body.

When energies flow freely through the body, the chakra system is balanced. Your mind ,body and spirit are aligned and is reflected in day to day life. However, during this human experience, life happens and often one or more of these energy points gets blocked or unbalanced . Blocked energy or unbalanced chakras can often manifest as physical and or mental illness.

There are many techniques to heal and balance and heal chakra energy. The use of gemstones and colors is how Vibration assists with healing and aligning the chakras.

*Vibration, LLC is not a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Healing techniques mentioned on these pages should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for medical treatment, diagnosis and/or examination. Please consult a licensed healthcare specialist for medical advice.

1st Chakra - Root Chakra


The root chakra sits at the base of the spine . It connects us to our sense of groundedness and survival instincts. It supports the adrenal glands, spine, blood, and reproductive organs. Harmonizes with the color RED.

When BALANCED you feel: supported, secure, grounded.

When OVERACTIVE you feel: lust for power, easily angered, insecurity, materialism, greed, resitance to change.

When BLOCKED you feel: fear, low energy, physical unsafe, co-dependent, fear of abandonment, financial instability

PHYSICAL manifestations of an unbalanced root chakra include: restlessness, unhealthy weight (obesity), constipation, cramps, fatigue, sluggishness.

STONES that aid in balancing the root chakra include: Bloodstone, Ruby, Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Fire Agate, Black Tourmaline, Red Jasper, Jet

2nd Chakra - Sacral Chakra


The sacral chakra is located 2 inches below the navel . It connects us to our feelings, emotions, sexuality and creativity. It supports the kidneys, reproductive organs. Harmonizes with the color ORANGE.

When BALANCED you feel: creative, committed, passionate, sexual outgoing and open to new relationships and situations, flexibility.

When OVERACTIVE you feel: jealousy, guilt, overemotional, attracted to drama, moody, quick to attach to others, and a lack of boundaries, possessiveness fixated on sex

When BLOCKED you feel: unemotional, fear of intimacy, low self-esteem, lack of creativity, prone to abusive relationships, ashamed of your body and sexuality

PHYSICAL manifestations of an unbalanced sacral chakra include: lower back pain, stiffness, urinary issues, kidney infections, infertility, impotence.

STONES that aid in balancing the sacral chakra include: Carnelian, Peach Moonstone, Citrine, Coral, Orange Calcite

3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra


The solar plexus chakra is located 3 inches above the navel . It connects us to our ego, will, personal power and autonomy. It supports the central nervous system, digestive system, liver, pancreas, metabolic system. Harmonizes with the color YELLOW.

When BALANCED you feel self-compassion, self-respect and in confidently in control, being comfortable with oneself and with others.

When OVERACTIVE you feel: domineering, low self-confidence, depression, perfectionism, overly critical, power hungry

When BLOCKED you feel: low self-esteem, passive, indecisive, timid, lack of self-control, inferiority complex

PHYSICAL manifestations of an unbalanced solar plexus chakra include: ulcers, gas, nausea, other digestive problems, eating disorders, nerve pain, fibromyalgia, liver and kidney problems

STONES that aid in balancing the sacral chakra include: Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Citrine, Calcite, Topaz

4th Chakra - Heart Chakra


The heart chakra is located at the heart . It connects us to our emotional self. It supports the thymus gland, immune system, heart, lungs, breasts, arms, and hands. Harmonizes with the color GREEN.

When BALANCED you feel joy, love, gratitude, ability to forgive, harmony and sincerity.

When OVERACTIVE you feel: jealous, co-dependent, clingy, suffocating, lack of boundaries, self-sacrificing

When BLOCKED you feel: cold, distant, lonely, lack of empathy, hateful

PHYSICAL manifestations of an unbalanced heart chakra include: heart and circulatory problems, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, poor circulation, asthma, breast cancer

STONES that aid in balancing the heart chakra include: Rose Quartz, Jade, Green Calcite, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Unakite, Malachite, Emerald, Prehnite, Peridot, Chrysoprase

5th Chakra - Throat Chakra


The throat chakra is located at the throat. It connects us to our expressive self. It supports the thyroid, neck, throat, shoulders, ears, mouth. Harmonizes with the color BLUE.

When BALANCED you feel expressive, ability to communicate honestly and freely.

When OVERACTIVE you feel: overly talkative, opinionated, loud, highly critical, verbally abusive, condescending, gossip, harsh words

When BLOCKED you feel: introverted, shy, difficulty speaking truth, unable to express needs, misunderstood, not a good listener

PHYSICAL manifestations of an unbalanced throat chakra include: stiffness and soreness in neck/shoulders, sore throat, hoarseness, earaches, dental issues

STONES that aid in balancing the heart chakra include: Aquamarine, Turquoise, Blue Lace Agate, Amazonite, Blue Kyanite, Chrysocolla

6th Chakra - Third Eye Chakra


The third eye chakra is located in the middle of the eyebrows at the center of the forehead. It connects us to our cosmic insight. It supports the pituitary gland, eyes, base of the skull and biorhythms. Harmonizes with the color INDIGO.

When BALANCED you feel clear and focused, open to receiving insight and wisdom, a deep spiritual connection, and able to discern between truth and illusion

When OVERACTIVE you feel: out of touch with reality, nightmares, hallucinations

When BLOCKED you feel: poor judgement, lack of focus, inability to focus, rigid in thinking, closed to new ideas, distrustful of inner voice, cling to the past, fearful of the future

PHYSICAL manifestations of an unbalanced third eye chakra include: vision problems, headaches, insomnia and other sleep disorders, seizures, nightmares

STONES that aid in balancing the third eye chakra include: Lapis Lazli, Iolite, Sodalite, Sapphire, Blue Adventurine, Celestite

7th Chakra - Crown Chakra


The crown chakra is located right above the top of the head. It connects us to our higher consciousness. It supports the pituitary and pineal glands, brain, cerebral cord, central nervous system. Harmonizes with the color PURPLE.

When BALANCED you live in the present moment, and trust our inner guidance

When OVERACTIVE you feel: addicted to spirituality, dogmatic, difficulty controlling emotions, inability to learn

When BLOCKED you feel: depression, not open to spirituality, unable to set and maintain goals, lack of direction, brain fog

PHYSICAL manifestations of an unbalanced crown chakra include: dizziness, confusion, mental fog, nerve disorders, nerve pain, schizophrenia and other mental illnesses

STONES that aid in balancing the third eye chakra include: Amethyst, Selenite, Clear Quartz, Diamond, Moonstone, Sugalite