Vibration, LLC



Color can be used to influence one’s energy and senses to achieve balance between mind, body and soul. Each hue has a particular wavelength and frequency on the light spectrum. Each hue has a different vibration that can be used to heal physical and emotional ailments. The vibration of the color determines the influence they have on us. Colors can either stimulate your energy or dull your senses. Muted colors are relaxing while bright colors uplift energy.

*Vibration, LLC is not a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Healing techniques mentioned on these pages should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for medical treatment, diagnosis and/or examination. Please consult a licensed healthcare specialist for medical advice.



Vitality / Life-force / Passion / Confidence / Strength / Energy / Stimulation / Excitement / Power / Action / Motivation / Strong-willed / Courage / Attention / Drama

Red is a warm hue that vibrates strength, courage, and passion. It can increase circulation and raise blood pressure, pulse rate and overall energy. Working with the color red can help ground the body and connects us to our sense of security, stability and safety.

Red harmonizes with the ROOT CHAKRA.

Garnet, Ruby, Red Tiger’s Eye, Red Jasper


Romance / Compassion / Unconditional LOVE / Faithfulness / Beauty / Sensitivity / Tenderness / Caring / Sympathy / Femininity / Nurturing

Pink mixes the passion of red, with the purity of white vibrating sensitivity. It is associated with love, tenderness and femininity. It conveys a sense of safety mixed with vulnerability.

Pink harmonizes with the HEART CHAKRA.

Rose Quartz, Kunzite, Pink Tourmaline, Rhodochrosite, Pink Sapphire


Confidence / Success / Sociability / Encouragement / Bravery / Joy / Happiness / Creativity / Pleasure / Sensuality / Generosity

Orange is a warm hue that vibrates creativity and stimulates socializing. It helps to alleviate depression and stimulate joy and happiness. Orange can also stimulate the appetite. Working with orange can help create a healthy balance between mind and body.

Orange harmonizes with the SACRAL CHAKRA.

Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Sunstone, Copper


Optimism / Happiness / Sunshine / Laughter /Enthusiasm / Confidence / Emotional Strength / Friendliness / Creativity / Stimulating / Uplifting / Knowledge / Self-esteem

Yellow is an empowering color that vibrates growth and light. It helps with self-definition. Working with yellow encourages positivity and empowered thinking. It helps us tap into our creativity, sense of pleasure and feelings of abundance.

Yellow harmonizes with the SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA.

Citrine, Topaz, Amber, Tiger’s Eye, Yellow Jasper


Balance / Harmony / Growth/ Soothing / Renewal / Self-Control / Restores energy / Equilibrium / Refreshment / Tranquility / Reassurance / Relaxing / Peace / Natural

Green is the most relaxing color for the brain. It vibrates healing, balance and new grouth. Working with green balances your energy and nervous system. It helps focus your mind and lifts your mood.

Green harmonizes with the HEART CHAKRA.

Peridot, Serpentine, Prehnite, Green Calcite, Emerald, Jade, Malachite, Moss Agate,


Peace / Tranquility / Reduces stress / Relaxation / Calmness / Serenity / Cooling / Intelligence / Aids intuition / Soothing / Order / Reflection / Trust

Blue has a cooling effect on the body and mind. It vibrates truth. Blue quiets the mind and helps regulate your metabolism. Working with blue helps you express yourself peacefully and truthfully.

Blue harmonizes with the THROAT CHAKRA.

Blue Lace Agate, Chalcedony, Kyanite, Angelite


Indigo has a sedative effect on the mind and body. It vibrates spirituality, higher consciousness and help connect to our akashic records or our cosmic library. Indigo can help with sleep cycles, but can also be depressing. Working with indigo helps develop self-esteem, inner peace, wisdom and clarity.

Indigo harmonizes with the THIRD EYE CHAKRA.

Iolite, Blue Tiger’s Eye, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire


Ambition / Royalty / Spirituality / Luxury / Faith

Violet is a calming color that help create deep relaxation. It helps slow down our nervous system. Working with purple simulates dream activity, clarifies thinking, and helps connect your higher spiritual self.

Violet / Purple harmonizes with CROWN CHAKRA.

Amethyst, Sugilite, Charoite,


Purity / Wholeness / Innocence / Clarity / Simplicity / Cleanliness / Completion / New beginnings / Reflection / Equality / Unity / Openness / Awakening

White is the absence of color; the reflection of all lights wavelengths. It symbolizes freshness, new beginnings and purity.

Moonstone, Selenite, Diamond, Clear Quartz


Stability / Reliable / Dependable / Genuine / Honesty / Sincerity / Simplicity

Brown is the color of the earth, vibrating stability and solid foundations.

Brown harmonizes with the ROOT CHAKRA.

Smoky Quartz, Petrified Wood, Brown Jasper


Power / Unknown / Mysterious / Secrecy / Authority / Sophistication / Elegance / Protection / Strength / Seductive / Security / Control

Obsidian, Jet, Black Tourmaline, Onyx,


Balance / Neutral / Calm / Unemotional / Stability / Maturity / Compromise / Conservative / Practical

Gray is a cool, neutral and balanced color that vibrates practicality and compromise. It is thought of as an emotionless color, but the flip side is wisdom, simplicity and calmness.


Fluid / Emotional / Sensitive / Mysterious / Calming / Intuition / Wealth / Success

Silver is a metallic color that is connected to feminine energy and the moon. It reflects back any energy given. Silver inspires intuition and clairvoyance.


Wealth / Success / Status

Gold, Pyrite