Vibration, LLC

Search below to find jewelry with specific stones.



Calm / Soothing / Balance / Compassion

Color: Blue-green

Zodiac: N/A

Chakra: Hearth / Throat

Amazonite is a powerful filtering stone that inspires loving compassionate communication by bridging the heart and throat chakra. It calms the nervous system and brain. Amazonite soothes emotional trauma and eliminates stress and fear. This stone balances masculine and feminine energies allowing you to see all sides of a situation. It teaches us to communicate the truths of the heart chakra without being overemotional.

Amazonite protects against electromagnetic pollution and absorbs microwave and cell phone emanations.

Amazonite clears congestion from the throat and chest. It eases a sore throat and helps with coughs. It balances the thyroid gland in the throat.


Cleansing / Purifying / Healing / Protection

Color: Golden Yellow / Orange / Brown

Zodiac: Leo

Chakra: Sacral / Solar Plexus

Amber cleanses the chakras by absorbing negative energies and transmuting them into positive energies that stimulate healing. it discharges negative moods and works hard to vibrate positivity. It helps relieve stress and anxiety.

Amber helps in purifying and drawing out disease from the body.

Amber is solidified and fossilized tree resin.


Protection / Purifying / Mental Balance / Spiritual Wisdom

Color: Dark Purple to Lilac

Zodiac: Virgo / Capricorn / Aquarius / Pisces

Chakra: Crown

Amethyst is one of the most spiritually powerful stones. It has a high spiritual vibration that promotes divine LOVE and spiritual wisdom. It opens the third-eye chakra. It promotes intuition and enhances psychic gifts. It aids in remembering and understanding dreams.

Amethyst is beneficial to the mind. It calms and synthesizes the transmission of neural signals in the brain. It purifies the mind and clears negative thoughts. It facilitates decision making. It enhances memory and the visualization process. Amethyst eases headaches and migraines.

Apatite (Blue)

Inspirational / Motivation / Expanded Consciousness / Spiritual Attunement

Zodiac: Gemini

Chakra: Throat

Blue Apatite is an inspirational stone that helps us use our personal power to achieve goals. It is a cleansing stone that helps release base chakra unbalanced energies and clears negativity and confusion.

Blue Apatite is a highly spiritual stone that expands awareness of other levels of consciousness. It symbolizes the point between consciousness and matter. It helps us develop our psychic gifts and spiritual attunement. Great for use during meditation and raising kundalini.

Blue Apatite opens the throat chakra and helps with communication and public speaking.


Luck / Prosperity / Opportunity / Wealth

Color: Green w/ specks of mica

Zodiac: Aries

Chakra: Heart

Aventurine is known as the “Stone of Opportunity”. It clears and releases negative emotional patterns so that change can occur. It opens the heart chakra, promoting optimism and a positive outlook. It balances the emotional body by calming and stabilizing the emotions.

Aventurine attracts wealth and prosperity. It reinforces decisiveness and leadership qualities making it a great companion for going after goals.

Aventurine absorbs electromagnetic smog and protects against environmental pollution. Stones can be taped to a cell phone to protect from its emanations.


Courage / Stamina / Strength

Color: Green w/ dark red specks or stripes

Zodiac: Aries

Chakra: Root / Heart

Bloodstone is often called the “Warrior Stone”. It helps maintain stamina during times of intense physical activity. It gives strength to overcome obstacles. It protects against aggresisve behaviors (like bullying). Bloodstone grounds heart energy and reduces irritability, aggressiveness and impatience. It calms the mind and decreases confusion allowing better decision making to happen.

Bloodstone cleanses the blood and bring vitality to the system.


Confidence / Vitality / Courage / Empowerment

Color: Red-Orange, Pinkish-Orange

Zodiac: Aries / Leo / Virgo

Chakra: Sacral

Carnelian energizes the life force. It vibrates courage, confidence and fearlessness. It encourages taking action towards goals by stimulating vitality and creativity. Carnelian is motivating and encourages ambition. Passion, sexuality and fertility are also stimulated by using carnelian. Calms anger, envy, rage and eliminates emotional negativity.

Carnelian purifies blood and improves circulation. Balances sexual energy with a love vibration. Stimulates metabolism. Activates reproductive organs. Helps overcome impotence. Helps heal depression.

Carnelian has the ability to cleanse other stones.


Love / Compassion / Hope / Joy

Color: Apple Green, Pale Green

Zodiac: N/A

Chakra: Heart

Chrysoprase activates, supports and expands the heart chakra promoting joy and happiness. This is a great stone for relationships. It attracts new love while creating a sense of calmness and openness to new situations. This stone encourages fidelity and encourages nonegotistical energy. It opposes the tendency to be judgmental and promotes acceptance of oneself and others. It also encourages forgiveness and compassion.


Success / Abundance / Personal Power / Happiness

Color: Pale yellow, Golden yellow, Brownish-yellow

Zodiac: Cancer / Leo / Libra / Gemini

Chakra: Solar Plexus / Sacral

Citrine is the most powerful stone for manifestation. It draws in abundance and good fortune. It aids in manifesting and attractive wealth, prosperity and success. Citrine vibrates at a frequency that encourages creativity and facilitates in the transformation of dreams into reality. It is often called the “Merchant’s Stone” or the “Success Stone”. Citrine brings joy, happiness, and enthusiasm while raising self-esteem and confidence.

Citrine can help increase energy and increase stamina. It may also improve digestion and pancreatic issues. Citrine may help with the balancing of hormones as well as menstrual and menopausal symptoms.

Citrine is a powerful cleansing and regenerating stone. It has the ability to cleanse the chakras and never needs cleansing itself. It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy.


Magnifying / Conduit

Color: Orange

Zodiac: N/A

Chakra: N/A

Copper is one of the best conductors of energy. It increases and magnifies the power of other stones around it and assists with the energy flow of other stones.

Copper is great for easing arthritis, repairing body tissue, and oxygenating the blood. It strengthens the female reproductive system and increases vitality.


Energy / Courage / Passion / Sexuality

Color: Ruby red to Dark red

Zodiac: Aquarius

Chakra: Root

Garnet is an energizing stone that cleanses and regenerates the chakras. It is a stone of energy, courage and manifestation helping you to achieve your goals. It not only brings passion for achieving goals, it also increases passion in love and devotion. Garnet balances our sex drive and aids in sexuality, sensuality and intimacy.


Grounding / Protection / Strength

Color: Silver / Steel Gray

Zodiac: Aries / Aquarius

Chakra: Root

Hematite is the ultimate grounding stone. It centers and grounds the physical body in the present moment. It harmonizes the mind, body and spirit. It restores peace and harmony by dissolving negative energy and preventing it from entering the aura.

Hematite protects against negativity. This stone has a strong yang element that through helping balance the meridians, it also addressing yin imbalances. It boosts self-esteem and confidence helping those that are timid.

Hematite helps overcome addictions and compulsions. Great those trying to quit smoking. It also cleanses the blood and supports circulation.


Calm / Patience / Clarity / Stress Relief

Color: White w/ grey veins running through, Green

Zodiac: Gemini / Virgo

Chakra: Crown

Howlite is an extremely calming stone. For those with an overactive mind, it provides calmness and is great for meditation. It eliminates rage and uncontrolled anger and promotes calm and reasoned communication. Howlite helps develop patience, tolerance and a positive outlook.

Howlite relieves insomnia. It also relieves stress and anxiety and prepares the mind to receive wisdom and insight.

Howlite assists in accessing past lives and journeying outside the body. By working with the gemstone properly, Howlite can transport you to another time or dimension and opens memories of past lives.


Transformation / Intuition / Magic / Strength

Color: Grayish w/ iridescent blue-green sheen when turned toward the light

Zodiac: Scorpio /Sagittarius

Chakra: Throat

Known as the “Stone of Magic”, Labradorite is a powerful stone that strengthens the aura. It helps us connect with the light bringing higher states of consciousness and awakens our psychic abilities, clairvoyance and intuition. It is a highly mystical stone, helping us connect with past lives and is often associated with magic and shamanism. Labordorite brings awareness to illusions and allows us to see hidden truths and true intentions.

Labradorite helps deflect unwanted energies by forming a barrier to negative energies. It helps banish fears and insecurities and strengthens faith and trust in the universe.


Serenity / Peace / Relaxation/ Divine Feminine

Color: Blue to Blue-Green with white veins

Zodiac: N/A

Chakra: Throat

Larimar combines sea and sky vibration to promote peace, tranquility and serenity. It cools hot tempers and promotes relaxation. It relieves stress and removes self-imposed limitations, blockages and patterns that are no longer helping you. It helps you take control of your life and releases the tendency toward martyrdom.

Larimar connects us to Divine Feminine goddess energy and restores our connection with nature. It helps us communicate clearly about emotions and fears. Larimar also helps us connect with the angelic realm.

Larimar is a great stone for those with high anxiety and those that worry a lot.

Lava Stone

Grounding / Strength / Enhanced Creativity / Calming

Color: Black or Grey

Zodiac: Taurus / Cancer

Chakra: Root

Lava stone is developed from cooled magma. It is a stone of rebirth and aids in shedding negative emotional attachments.

Lava Stone is a grounding stone that cleanses negative energy. It provides strength and courage that allows the opportunity for stability during life changes. It helps with anger management and enhances creativity.

Lava stone is also great for fertility as it increases libido.


Protection / Transformation / Manifestation / Balance

Color: Green (w/ distinctive bands)

Zodiac: Scorpio / Capricorn

Chakra: Heart

Malachite is a very powerful protective stone. It easily absorbs negative energies and pollutants. This is a stone that should be cleansed regularly. Malachite is a transformative stone that works to clear and cleanse the chakras. It helps to get rid of emotional baggage by drawing up deep, intense feelings that need to be dealt with while teaching how to take responsibility. It motivates and encourages you to take action and allow change to happen. It alleviates procrastination and anxiety.

Malachite should only be used in its polished form as it can be toxic in raw form. Proper care should be taken when handling in its raw form.


Instinct / Nature / Earth Energy / Ancestors

Color: Brown, Red (Scarlet), Yellow ( Striped)


Chakra: Root / Solar Plexus

Mookite is Australian Jasper, that connects us with Earth and use that energy for personal power. It keeps us focused on our goals, and grounded while quieting distracting thoughts.

Mookite vibrates instinctual energy that aids in decision making. It activates the deeper aspects of the mind allowing access to genetic memory and ancestral patterns.

Moonstone (Peach)

Femininity / Sensitivity / Intuition / Fertility

Color: Peach, Pink

Zodiac: Cancer

Chakra: Sacral / Heart / Crown

Peach Moonstone is one of the strongest stones that connects with feminine energy. It intensifies intuitions and sensitivities. It also assists with anxiety and worry by soothing the source of worry and stabilizing emotions

Peach Moonstone has powerful effects on the female reproductive cycle. It balances hormones, promotes pregnancy and alleviates menstrual related diseases.

Moss Agate

Nature / New Beginnings / Growth / Balance

Color: Green (translucent stone with visible deep green inclusions)

Zodiac: Virgo

Chakra: Heart

Moss Agate helps us connect to the spiritual vibration of nature. It is known as the “Gardener’s Stone” and can even be placed in gardens to aid in growth. Not only is it useful for growth, in gardens, Moss Agate is great for new beginnings, especially in business. It attracts abundance, wealth and new business opportunities.

Moss Agate helps to stabilize the emotions through balance. This stone aids in achieving deep inner peace that helps with mood swings and depression. It encourages hope, trust and inner peace.


Strength / Balance / Grounding / SUPPORT

Color: Black (banded with gray and white stripes)

Zodiac: Leo

Chakra: Root

Onyx is a strength stone that supports during difficult or confusing times by increasing concentration and determination. It helps you stay focused on your goals. It is a soothing stone that help with fears and worries while providing self-confidence and feelings of personal power.

Onyx helps us heal grief by providing an understanding the the life, death & rebirth cycle.

Onyx integrates white and black energies, balancing the yin and yang within. It absorbs and transforms negative energy and helps prevent the drain of personal engery. Onyx promotes happiness and good fortune.

Quartz (Clear)

Cleansing / Amplifying / Clarity

Color: Transparent

Zodiac: ALL

Chakra: ALL

Clear Quartz is one of the most powerful cleansing crystals. It raises our vibration to the highest possible level. It clears impurities and psychic debris from the energy field. It reflects the intentions of those working with the crystal, and amplifies the potential of those intentions. This crystal will channel any energy that needs healing.

Clear Quartz increases concentration and focus. It balances and revitalizes the physical emotional and mental planes.

Red Jasper

Stability / Support / Nurturing

Color: Red

Zodiac: N/A

Chakra: Root

Red Jasper raises energy by stimulating the root chakra and assisting in rebirth. It cleans and stabilizes your aura. It is a strengthening and life enhancing stone that helps one cope with the pressures of life. Red Jasper is known as the “Supreme Nurturer” as it supports those during times of stress by enhancing support, protection and strength. It aids in providing insights to problems before they become to large.

Red Jasper helps to strengthen and detoxify the circulatory system. It is great for those with anemia.


Self-Confidence / Self-Esteem / Unconditional Love / Compassion

Color: Pink w/ white bands

Zodiac: N/A

Chakra: Heart

Rhodochrosite represents selfless love and compassion. It also strengthens and calms the heart during new life events. This stone applies unconditional LOVE that helps get rid of anger and jealousy. It gives you self-confidence in new relationships.

Rhodochrosite relieves asthma and respiratory problems. It helps purify the blood system and kidneys. Aids in healing trauma from sexual abuse.

Rhodochrosite balances the fiery energies of the lower chakras by bringing painful feelings to the surface, allowing them to be acknowledges and then released through healing.


Purifying / Acceptance / Fluidity / Energizing

Color: Opaque Tan

Zodiac: Virgo / Libra / Scorpio

Chakra: Root

Riverstone is a sedimentary form of limestone that is usually found in a river bed. It improves the flow of energy and helps go with the flow during times of change. It accelerates changes and allows for the acceptance of new situations and life shifts.

Rose Quartz

Love / Harmony / Friendship / Emotional Healing

Color: Deep Pink to Pale Pink

Zodiac: Taurus / Libra

Chakra: Heart

Rose Quartz is a powerful crystal that supports, opens, and purifies the heart chakra. It bathes the body with a healing LOVE vibration. It promotes infinite peace and unconditional love. It is the perfect stone for all loving relationships, including romantic love, love for friends, love for self and love of surroundings.

Rose Quartz promotes heart healing by releasing unexpressed emotions and heartache. It encourages forgiveness and helps with grief and loss. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love.


Cleansing / Shielding / Protection / Spiritual Gifts

Color: Light Green to Dark Green-Yellow; can be mottled with brown and/or black specks)

Zodiac: Gemini

Chakra: Heart

Serpentine is a protective stone that is known to ward off and heal wounds cause by poison and venom. It also assists in following your true purpose, by lifting self-imposed limitations and shooting for the stars.

Serpentine awakens kundalini energy, cleansing the chakras and allows new pathways for the kundalini rise. It assists with spiritual exploration and the connection to your psychic powers.

Serpentine is useful in detoxifying the body from parasitic infections.

Smoky Quartz

Grounding / Stabilizing / Protection

Color: Light Brown to Dark Brown (clear quartz that has turned brown from being exposed to underground radiation)

Zodiac: N/A

Chakra: Root

Smoky Quartz is one of the most powerful stones for grounding a stabilizing stone that dissipates negative energy. It helps overcome negative emotions like fear, anger, stress, jealousy and depression. It is a healing stone that grounds and protects ones spiritual and physical energy by absorbing and transmuting negative energy and releasing it into the Earth for neutralization. Smoky Quartz allows us to let go of things that hold us back and creates a vibration for growth.

Smoky Quartz can be used in the home, at work and even in your vehicle to ward off negativity, road rage and bad moods from co-workers. Physically it eases pains in the lower back, hips and legs. It is also a great stone to counteract the effects of radiation.

Tiger’s Eye (Golden)

Color: Golden Yellow to Brownish-yellow

Zodiac: Leo, Capricorn

Chakra: Solar Plexus / Root / Sacral

Tiger’s eye is a protective stone that cleanses mental blocks and encourages mental focus. Excellent for space cadets. This stone combines earth energy with the sun energy to create a high, yet grounded vibrational state that gives the drive to move forward yet remain grounded in reality. Tiger’s Eye promotes purposeful action in accomplishing goals. It aids in resolving problems without being clouded by emotions. Tiger’s eye balances the yin and yang and stabilizes mood swings. Encourages willpower, purpose and self confidence while releasing tension.

Tiger’s eye supports a healthy metabolism. It keeps the eyes healthy and increases clear vision. Tiger’s eye is also helpful in repairing broken bones.

Tiger’s Eye can be carried or worn as a amulet against ill wishing or curses.

Tiger’s Eye (Red)


Color: Dark Red (banded)

Zodiac: N/A

Chakra: Root / Solar Plexus

Red Tiger’s Eye is a stimulating stone. It energizes the lower chakras, clearing blocked energy and providing more effective grounding energy. It is also used as a stimulation to the libido increasing sex drive and passion. It is also helpful in resolving conflicts in romantic relationships. This stone also increases self-esteem and confidence.

Red Tiger’s Eye invigorates the body. It nourishes the circulatory system and sometimes used to treat anemia, inflammation and poor circulation.